Affective Intelligent Driving Agent(AIDA)
The fresh innovation of MIT researchers is the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent(AIDA) with the trust to revolutionize the normal way drivers interrelate with their vehicles.
It represents the in car personal robot.
To develop the robot, a group of researchers from the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab teamed up with MIT's SENSE able City Lab and the Volkswagen Group of America's Electronics Research Lab.
The goal of researchers was to create a personal assistant that would learn about a driver's behavior in an environment and offer suggestions according to the collected data.
The new invention communicates by giving smiles or blinking its eyes that appear on the robot's screen.
The system builds its own understanding of the city, integrating real-time event data regarding the environmental conditions, along with commercial activity, different tourist attractions, and uptown areas.
In just one week the system will learn about the driver's home and work location. After that AIDA will be able to guide the driver to the nearest grocery story, offering a route to dodge traffic jams.
AIDA can also give you feedback on your driving, helping you achieve more energy efficiency and safer behavior. The group of scientists behind the system is managed by Professor Cynthia Breazeal, Carlo Ratti, and Assaf Biderman.
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