Car makers heaved a sigh of release in January as auction numbers healthier after months of unenthusiastic or level growth. The assembly was led by Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL) which reported an enlargement in sales after seven months.

Maruti Suzuki sold 1, 01,000 units throughout January, an enlargement of 0.6 per cent next to the corresponding month last year. In January 2011 the corporation had sold 100,000 units.
According to Mayank Pareek, managing executive officer at Maruti, the fourth quarter would see the uppermost sales in the economic in spite of a superior base in the matching quarter of the previous fiscal.
During the month Maruti’s exports registered a 54.3 per cent bound to 14,386 units against 9,321 units in the previous year. However, corporation officials downplayed the enlargement saying it is too early to mark any tendency.
On the backside of much-improved Nano sales, Tata Motors became the second main car maker for the month, overtaking Hyundai Motor India. The company’s sales jumped virtually 15 per cent to 34,669 units against 30,212 units in January last year.
During the month, Nano sales enlarged to 7,723 units from 6,703 units, registering an enlargement of over 15 per cent. In the meantime, Hyundai’s sales enlarged 12 per cent to 33,900 units. The company had sold 30,306 units in January 2010.